Lanark Family Medical Clinic
8040 Van Nuys Blvd, Panorama City CA 91402
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An ongoing series of informational entries
An ongoing series of informational entries

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March 15, 2020
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Our Second Blog Entry
Our Second Blog Entry
February 14, 2020
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Our First Blog Entry
Our First Blog Entry
August 10, 2021
How to wash fruits and vegetables?​
How to wash fruits and vegetables?​
Organic foods can be expensive. Check out the dirty dozen and clean 15 list put out every year

Try to buy organic if you can from the dirty dozen group. Frozen organic are affordable most of time like berries and spinach and bell peppers.
These are some easy techniques to remove most of the pesticides
- Baking soda- 1 tsp soda for every 2 cups of cold water. Soak fruits or veggies in water for 12 to 15 minutes. Rinse. For firmer veggies like potatoes and apples scrub with soft brush to remove dirt, wax or other chemicals
-10 % salt solution: 1Tbsp of salt for 1 cup of water approximately. Rinse for 15 minutes

Fruits and veggies in the clean 15 have the lowest pesticides in US. You can wash them with baking soda or 10 % salt solution before consuming